
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

reasons why i smile .

'i never felt like this before' or 'saya tida pernah rasa begini oh',
yang sepatutnya sya cakap .
tapi , itu tipu la . 
suma orang perna rasa in love kan ?
tapi words ' sangat kasih dan sayang kw ' . 
sangat sering saya katakan . now , sya sangat syg kw .

He's better than yang lain , even dia sangat mcm pengawal tapi
cause mcm ada orang care dengan kita kan ?
he understand me , tahan dengan perangai saya yang sangat minta puji .

And now , i want to know him better :)
saya maw tahu favorite food and drinks dia and stuff .
yang saya tau , his favorite color is blue :)
this week kami tidak on phone for 4 days .
maw study and try how was it not contact each other kan ?
how it'll be ?

by the way , do you wondering why i put this words 
' When the circle round shape ' as my tittle ?
cause , round shape will never break and go apart from each other .
they always meet and together forever .
so , i O u :) 

When the circle round shape .

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