
Saturday, June 11, 2011

photography is infinite.

Hey , i've been thinking to talk about other's .
not just about me kan . 
so , meet my dear kaka . Nurul Khairunie
She shoooo awesome .
she can taking beautiful picture and action . 
i really love her determination when taking picture. no matter where and when .
and yeah , she got her
check them out . her work were awesome , like seriously people .

I always wanted to talk about other people , and now i started with Nurul Khairunie .
she really love photography and had a lots of camera's . 
Now , she still studying at Institusi Pendidikan Guru Malaysia , Sabah .
Hope she'll success in her life (:

we both love photography but she have more experiences than me.
i'm still beginner , and she's professional . hehe .
by the way , do enjoy her passion (:

No place is boring, if you've had a good night's sleep and have a pocket full of unexposed film. -Robert Adams

capture life like there's no tomorrow.

-to know her more , click on the red words-

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